So I came across something I had never heard of today.... apparently a bride sold a spot as a bridesmaid in her wedding on
EBAY! How crazy is that? According to the auction, the winner got a spot as bridesmaid including a dress, shoes, and an invite (with a guest) to the reception. Kelly Gray from
Virginia Beach, VA was just hoping to raise a little cash for her wedding. She had no idea the auction would fetch $10,000 in the end! Who was the lucky winner? Turns out it is a representative from
Dr Pepper Snapple group. The group will be setting up a website to help pick a bridesmaid for Kelly's April 19th wedding. Hey, that's cheap advertising for them and Kelly and her fiance are thrilled because now they can afford a honeymoon! Dr Pepper Snapple will provide drinks for the wedding as well- of course!
Of course that has spawned copycats... I didn't see any takers on the current spots up for sale.